Anthology Submission Guidelines

Charlotte Writers Group Anthology

Theme: About Time

Genre: Open, but preference for speculative fiction, or some included element of fantasy, science fiction, science fantasy, horror, magical realism, etc.

Speculative fiction is a broad category of narrative fiction that includes elements, settings, and characters created out of imagination and speculation rather than based on reality and everyday life. It encompasses the genres of science fiction, fantasy, science fantasy, horror, alternative history, and magic realism.

Word Count: 4,000 to 8,000 words. For longer or shorter works, please query

Submission formatting:

Submission Guidelines/Template

Submit as .doc or .docx attachment

Reprints accepted. Submitters may send up to two stories, but they MUST be different genres and sent in separate emails. SEE NOTE BELOW

Emails should be titled: About Time – Title – (Author first initial and last name)

Submissions open September 1st – email to CWGAnthology at gmail dot com

Submissions close November 1st

Compensation – one print copy, one digital copy and $1 token payment. (All proceeds from the anthology will be applied to marketing materials, or put towards group interests.)

Submissions are open to all members of the Charlotte Writers Group with preference given to active members attending Saturday meetings or Wednesday night write-ins.

NOTE: If you intend to submit a story to another market, we strongly suggest you submit the piece elsewhere first. We will NOT be able to pull stories after January 1st. If your story is submitted elsewhere and accepted after January 1st, we will NOT be able to pull it from the publication, risking your submission’s inclusion to any other market.

If your submission is something that you have had critiqued during a Saturday critique session, please make a note of that in your email. There is no need to include the date it was critiqued, just that it was submitted for feedback.